1·The new roles are now available for building business policies and assertions.
2·At the same time, emerging economies are building business schools at a furious pace.
3·Teams can maximize their productivity while building business applications, software products, and systems.
4·He told his employer contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life.
5·This is a fine goal for the overall J2EE architecture but a very dangerous approach in building business applications.
6·Mr. Luciani takes an active role in building business, reviewing design quality and ensuring client satisfaction.
7·We take this opportunity to write to you libertyly, in the hope of building business relationship with your company.
8·Accordingly, Rational Software Architect supports building business process models using the industry-standard BPMN2 notation.
相应地,Rational Soft ware Architect支持使用行业级BPMN2符号来创建业务过程模型。
9·When building business-level information services for the marketing context, you could reuse all the services in this example.
10·In short, the buyer can be organized at home or in the home building business, all without the initial payment of real estate.